Media Clips
Some screenshots and pictures from digital platforms, social media, magazines and local or Finnish newspapers etc.
My Lost Uncle - MissingSince1979 a.k.a. MLUMS•79 has been featured e.g. on Gaytimes UK, Sylvi digital feminist publication, YLE, QX Scandinavia, Alfie Ordinary rewarded drag prince in the UK, Helsingin Sanomat, Image-lehti, Kaltblut fashion magazine in Germany, Irish GNI Magazine, Macho gay magazine, porn star Allen King's Instagram, Nivala-lehti, Boner porn magazine, Lucifer Rising blog, My Gay Toronto digital city platform, Boy Culture blog, Tom of Finland Store, Gay Calgary local gaymapper in Canada, Kokkola-lehti, Twitter tweet by Bruce LaBruce, Kalajokilaakso, Antivirus queer magazine in Greece, Desire Homme magazine in London and in the video on official Banksy Instagram as me trying to remember the most of them now...oh gosh all this 15 minutes of fame.